<img src="/graphics/JSBUG.gif">


Take a clear gif, and head to Image Magick

* Type in the URL of the clear gif, and press "view".

* After the next page loads, click on the tab at the top that says "resize".

* Under image size, put 175x175! Be sure you put the exclamation point after the height and width. (you can make it as big or little as you want.)

* Scroll down a bit and press the "resize" button.

The next page will show the clear gif.. (although you cannot see it.. LOL) You should be able to put your cursor over it though.

* Scroll down and fill in the paint type. Choose "color".

* for method choose "replace"

* Under fill color, type in the color you want for your personal background.. I'm using white.

Dont bother with "fuzz" and "border color".

* Go back up a little, and click on the clear gif twice.

* Next page will show the white (or whatever color you chose) resized gif.

* Scroll up and click on the "annotate" tab at the top.

* On the next page, type in the text you want your personal bg to say.. Mine is going to be "sammikay".

* leave "direction" and "gravity" how it is.

* Scroll down to "fill color".. be sure and pick a light color that wont interfere with the text on your pages. (For mine I used pink).

* Fill in the point size. This is the size your text will be.. mine is 24.

* Go down to the fonts, and pick your font. I used Comic Sans MS bold.

* Go a little further down the page to "rotate".. Type in -45. This will angle your text...

* Scroll up and press "annotate". (the gray button, not the gray tab at the top)

The next page will show your personalized bg. * Scroll up and click the "output" tab..

* Choose your format. I usually use jpg, to keep the file size as small as possible.

* choose "single file" for the storage type, and click the output button.

* click your image on the next page, then transload how you usually do..

You have your personal background!


You can also have a transparent personal background, that you can use over and over on different colored pages.. white or black bg.. And wouldnt have to make another personal back..

In the steps above, just leave out the text in red. Your personal bg will remain transparent.. To use it on your page, use it like this... <body bgcolor="white" background="URLofYourBG"> Your personal bg will be on a white background.. you can change the bgcolor from white to black or any color for that matter.

To get a personal bg with more than one name, like this one, when annotating, you'd have to play around with the gravity and location, to get each line of text placed so that when its done, they are all centered...

and of course you can only annotate one line at a time.. after completing one and positioning it where you want, you'd scroll up and click annotate again, and continue to do this for each line of text...